What is TM and How to Learn Transcendental Meditation.
Meditation Helps to Relax one's Mind and body. Being alert without falling asleep while in a restful state of awareness. During this restfulness, the mind is alert and awake and has no loss of consciousness as during sleep. In addition, it reduces tension, anxiety, and stress, and helps to clear the mind. Meditation comes in various forms, But TM Technique is the most profound. TM stands for Transcendental Meditation. From poverty, emptiness, and suffering to abundance, fulfillment, and happiness, the program transforms the quality of life. TM is not a religion. There is no connection between TM and religion. There is no requirement to be vegetarian, you don't have to do yoga postures, or live like a swami (holy man). It is a means of bringing religion to life and enhancing its significance in terms of love and self-giving. This can be done by anyone regardless of religion. Following the law of nature, the TM technique works automatically and spontaneously. Utilizing t...