What is Transcendental Meditation - TMGujarat

Transcendental meditation differs fundamentally from other types of meditation. It is estimated that more than 5 million people use TM Technique across the world. Transcendental Meditation was founded in 1957 by Maharshi Mahesh Yogi. Practicing and learning this type of meditation is easy and does not require many skills. It has been proven in numerous studies that this activity is beneficial for relationships, the mind, body, and the environment. People have to know what is TM and Its Health Benefits. - It relieves stress and tension and brings balance and peace to life - It enhances health especially if you have stress-related issues - Develops greater joy, broader awareness, and refined emotions and feelings - Maximizes overall performance and improves relationship - Develops a more tolerant and mature personality Through the transcendental style of meditation, simple skills can be learned and implemented easily. This kind of meditation is neither mental discipline nor mi...