How to Effectively Learn and Practice Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Introduction Transcendental Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless technique practiced for 20 minutes twice daily while sitting comfortably with closed eyes. It is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. TM allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought – pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness – your innermost self. In this comprehensive guide, We will explore how to learn tm , its benefits, and practical tips to integrate it into your daily routine. What is Transcendental Meditation? Transcendental Meditation is a form of silent mantra meditation. The practice involves the use of a specific sound or mantra that is unique to each individual and chosen by a certified TM teacher. This mantra is used as a vehicle to help the practitioner move beyond the surface level of the mind to achieve a state of restful alertness. The Science beh...