Benefits for Students by TM Technique - Transcendental Meditation
With regular practice of Transcendental Meditation (at least once or twice a day), the health, well-being, and academic performance of students will improve.
Rise in IQ levels
Practicing TM Technique increases brain function across the board for students: everyone is a genius deep inside.
There is a most dramatic increase in creative thinking, practical intelligence, and IQ (as measured by the ability to reason in novel situations, called “fluid intelligence”)
Academic stress goes down
The practice of Transcendental Meditation not only improves grades but also results in a reduction in stress levels for students.
In addition, they have better concentration, greater alertness, and greater resistance to the physical effects of stress during exams
Improved academic achievement
Meditating students show considerably improved academic performance — in one study, 41% of students allocated to the meditation group benefitted from improvement in academic scores.
Better focus
TM Technique reduces stress, anxiety, and ADHD symptoms by 50% due to a calming effect on the mind.
As a result, the ability to focus better on tasks results in improved brain processing and improved language-based skills, which trigger a positive chain reaction.
Brain integrity & efficiency
Taking up Transcendental Meditation not only strengthens the brain but also makes it a more harmonious unit: university students who meditated had changes in the fibers in the brain area associated with regulating emotions and behavior.
Cognitive and intellectual performance is also improved as a result of these changes.
Reduction in depression and anxiety
Doing Transcendental Meditation directs to significant reductions in depressive symptoms (an average of 48% lower than the non-meditating control group).
And that’s true for everyone, including even those who have symptoms of clinically significant depression
Reduction in destructive addiction (drugs, alcohol)
Enjoying life is not harmful, but reigning in potential addictive behavior is crucial
The Daily practice of Transcendental Meditation greatly reduces antisocial behavior and substance abuse problems in both students and adults. In comparison with traditional drug prevention programs, Transcendental Meditation is two to three more effective.
It seems that all substances that are addictive- whether they are drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, Prescription medications, or even food- have the Same effects.
Lower absenteeism, better behavior
The first step to academic glory: don’t miss a class!
Meditating students are less likely to miss class, have fewer disruptive behavior incidents at school, and are less likely to get Suspended.
Lower risk of cardiovascular diseases
It will pay off in years to come if you practice the regular TM technique. It helps to lower blood pressure, anxiety, and depression.
Studies have shown that students with hypertension who meditate for a few months experienced a big drop in their blood pressure. It was found that these changes were associated with a 52% lower risk of developing hypertension later in life
Happier, more confident students
Last but definitely not least — research found that students who meditated daily scored higher on affectivity, self-esteem, and emotional competence. Here’s your formula for happiness
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