What is TM (Transcendental Meditation)?

When people practice transcendental meditation they repeat mantras, or sayings, in their minds. In order to learn TM Technique, a person has to take lessons from an instructor or TM Teacher. There are some studies that suggest transcendental meditation can reduce anxiety, ease stress, and ease professional challenges such as compassion fatigue and low resilience. Although transcendental meditation has many benefits, these are not unique to it. In this article, we provide more detail on What is TM (transcendental meditation). In meditation, one typically sits quietly for some time in order to benefit the mind, the spirit, and the body. There are several types of meditation, and the method and purpose of each can differ. In transcendental meditation, the goal is to reach a state of peace or “pure consciousness”. It involves repeating a mantra, a saying that has special meaning to the individual, in their head. Sanskrit is the traditional language for this mantra. What d...