What is transcendental meditation & how does it work

Haven't heard of the term ever? Happened to me too. But let me assure you, when you get to know about it, you will be interested in trying it out. Let us start by understanding what is TM (Transcendental Meditation) actually means and how TM works

What is TM & How TM works

Transcendental meditation is an effortless technique that is practiced for 20 minutes by sitting comfortably with eyes closed. It is advisable to practice it twice a day every day. It involves the use of a silent sound (a mantra) and is taught by certified teachers. This kind of meditation helps in avoiding distracting thoughts and promotes a relaxed state of mind. It is a process that helps you heal your emotions by creating harmony in your inner mind without making much effort. Based on the evidence, it is believed to have major benefits that include releasing stress and anxiety, improving brain function and cardiovascular health, and many more such advantages.

TM Technique, created in India in 1959 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a unique technique that uses the natural tendency of the mind to reach greater happiness. Surprisingly, it is also a non-religious technique of getting relaxed and disposing off all that tension without the need or the prerequisite of believing in any religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. The transcendental meditation technique can be effective without any efforts being made or believing in anything, as mentioned before it is the most effortless medium of bringing harmony and blissfulness into one's life. 

According to Maharishi Yogi, there are seven levels of consciousness in the human mind, and one of them “ the transcendental consciousness” can be experienced through Transcendental Meditation. In 2013, The American Heart Association considered Transcendental Meditation as a treatment for Hypertension. It gained importance much later when celebrities started to use this technique to reduce negative emotions and trait anxiety. Transcendental Meditation also helps in expanding our awareness in daily activity by practicing relaxation of the conscious mind every day. Those who practice it daily could be aware of their cosmic consciousness over time which in other words means a higher state of self-consciousness “being present even during sleep”.

Source Blog: https://medium.com/@tmgujmeditation/what-is-transcendental-meditation-how-does-it-work-eda1557d8124


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